2019 Winter wipeout
When: Saturday, January 12th 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Registration @ 7:00AM.
Where: Ocean CrossFit - 64 Steiner Avenue, Neptune City, NJ 07753
About: Partner Teams with RX Divisions and Scaled divisions consisting of opposite sex athletes.
Cost: $185 per team (includes event shirt). This event will sell out, price will increase as we get closer to the event.
Events: See below:
Register: Scroll down and click to register you and your partner!
*Guaranteed 3 workouts + a final for athletes who place in the top of their division. Prizes awarded to athletes who earn them!*
event 1
12 Minute AMRAP:
4 Lateral Bar Burpees
8 Deadlifts
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
(RX = 185/135) (Scaled = 135/95)
Scaled = step-overs allowed.
Score = total reps completed.
* One person will complete the entire round, then you switch and so on.
event 2
7 Minute AMRAP:
100 TTB (scaled hanging knee raises)
Max Thrusters
(RX = 135/95) (Scaled = 95/65)
One partner will work at a time. Score is the total combined reps of the thrusters.
Event 3
6 Rounds For Max Reps:
1:00 Min Rounds with 15 second transition.
Partner A: Max Calories on the Rower
Partner B: Max Ground to Overhead (i.e. power snatch or clean + jerk)
(RX = 135/95) (Scaled = 95/65)
BOTH athletes will be working at the SAME time.
*athletes will switch every minute and have fifteen seconds to transition. LADIES will start on the rower.
Score is the total combined reps (calories + barbell reps).