“Always Remembered”
Teams of 2:
2001 Meter Row “Buy-In”
4 rounds:
9 Strict Pull-ups
11 Bear Complexes (135/95)
2977 Meter Row “Cash-Out”
One athlete working at a time. Partition as needed.
The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life.
We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom.
–Rudolph W. Giuliani. December 31, 2001.
Today is a day that we honor the fallen.
The 2001 meter row represents the year.
The 4 Rounds represents the four planes.
The 9 Strict Pull-ups represents the month.
The 11 Bear Complexes represent the day.
The 2977 meter row represents the lives lost.
*WOD courtesy of CrossFit New England*