2nd place! What an amazing/strong community! 

2nd place! What an amazing/strong community! 


1. Mobility
Lizard, 2min./side
Seated Straddle, 4min.

2. Warm-Up
Run 800m
10 Wall Climbs

3. Strength
"OLY Power Total"
Find a 1RM Power Clean
Find a 1RM Power Snatch

4. MetCon
AMRAP 8 minutes
8 Shoulder to Overhead, 135/95lbs
4/3 Muscle-ups
(RX+ 155/105lb STO)


1. Mobility
Lizard, 2min./side
Seated Straddle, 4min.

2. Warm-Up
Run 800m
20 HR Push-ups

3. Strength
Power Clean 5x3
Power Snatch 5x3

4. MetCon
AMRAP 8 minutes
8 Shoulder to Overhead, 115/75lbs
8 Ring Dips


1. Side Work
18-15-12-9 reps for time:
CTB pull-ups
Run 100m between each set
(RX+ start with a set of 21)
