1. Mobility
Lizard, 2min./side
Seated Straddle, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
8 Rounds
3 Front Squats, 135/95lbs
4 Bar Facing Burpees
3. Strength
Squat Clean 3×5 @70%
Drop and reset each rep.
4. MetCon
5 Rounds
15 CTB Pull-ups
15 Shoulder to Overhead, 95/65lbs
(RX+ 115/75lb STO)
1. Mobility
Lizard, 2min./side
Seated Straddle, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
8 Rounds
3 Front Squats, 115/75lbs
4 Burpees
3. Strength
Power Clean + Front Squat 5x3
4. MetCon
5 Rounds
15 Pull-ups
15 Shoulder to Overhead, 75/55lbs
1. Side Work
AMRAP 12 minutes
7 Unbroken SDHP, 95/65lbs
7 Unbroken kipping HSPU
If you have to break either movement in any set, rest 1 minute.
(RX+ 115/75lb SDHP)