1. Mobility
Half Front Split, 2min./side
Saddle, 4min.
2. Warm-up
3 Rounds
15 Double-unders
10 Empty Bar OHS
5 Strict Pull-ups
3. Strength
“MisFit Snatch Complex” 5×2 @80-90%
All unbroken: squat snatch – OHS – hang squat snatch – OHS
Drop and reset between full complexes, each set should be heavier then last time.
4. MetCon
AMRAP 20 minutes
15 Calorie Row
12 Front Squats with 55/35lb DB's or KB's
9 Handstand Push-ups
(RX+ 70/55lb DB or KB & strict HSPU)
1. Mobility
Half Front Split, 2min./side
Half Saddle, 2min./side
2. Warm-up
3 Rounds
30 Single-unders
10 Overhead Squats with PVC
5 Assisted Pull-ups
3. Strength
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 5x3
4. MetCon
AMRAP 20 minutes
15 Calorie Row
12 Front Squats with 45/25lb DB's or KB's
9 Ring Push-ups
1. Side Work
AMRAP 3 minutes
9 Push jerk 115/75lbs
9 Lateral bar burpees
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 3 minutes
6 Push jerk 155/105lbs
6 Bar facing burpees
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 3 minutes
3 Push jerk 185/125lbs
3 Burpees to 1ft target
(RX+ Push Jerks at 135/95lbs, 185/125lbs, 225/145lbs)