1. Warm-Up
3 Rounds
8 Burpee Box Jumps
8 Empty Bar Thrusters
8 Pull Ups
2. Lift
Squat Clean 10×2 @75%
Focus on Form.
3. MetCon
3 Rounds
15 thrusters, 95/65lbs
5 muscle-ups
(RX+ 21 thrusters/7 mu's)
1. Warm-Up
3 Rounds
8 Burpee Box Jumps
8 Empty Bar Thrusters
8 Assisted Pull Ups
2. Skill
Squat Clean 10×2
3. MetCon
3 Rounds
15 thrusters, 75/55lbs
10 Ring Dips
1. Side Work
15-12-9-6 reps for time:
Toes to Bar
Calorie Row
(RX+ start with 18 reps each)