1. Warm-Up
15 Cals on the Rower (Sprint)
5 Rounds
6 Empty Bar Thrusters
6 Jump Squats (Jump High!)

2. Lift
AMRAP 30 seconds x3
Max rep power snatch @70%
Rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs

3. MetCon
AMRAP 12 Minutes
3 Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts 185/125lbs
50 Double Unders
(RX+ 5 mu's & 225/155lbs DL)


1. Warm-Up
15 Cals on the Rower (Sprint)
5 Rounds
6 Empty Bar Thrusters
6 Jump Squats (Jump High!)

2. Skill
AMRAP 30 seconds x3
Max rep power snatch
Rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs

3. MetCon
AMRAP 12 Minutes
6 Ring Dips
10 Deadlifts 155/105lbs
100 Single Unders


1. Side Work
Toes to bar
Assault bike calories
(RX+ 30-20-10 TTB/AAB)