1. Weakness Warm-Up
Choose one based off your biggest weakness.
For Time:
Option 1 - Row 1500m (RX+ 2000m)
Option 2 - 75 Assault Bike Calories (RX+ 100cal.)
Option 3 - 45 Bar Facing Burpees (RX+ 60 burpees)
2. Lift
Bench Press 5×5 @70%
Form focus.
Keep rest very short.
(If you completed the Metcon earlier this week as side work pick another piece you missed or move onto todays side work)
3. MetCon
5 Rounds
10 Calorie Row
10 Toes To Bar
(RX+ Assault Bike Calories)
1. Weakness Warm-Up
Choose one based off your biggest weakness.
For Time:
Option 1 - Row 1000m
Option 2 - 50 Assault Bike Calories
Option 3 - 30 Bar Facing Burpees
2. Skill
Bench Press 5×5
3. MetCon
5 Rounds
10 Calorie Row
15 Sit-ups
1. Side Work
30-60 minutes of biking, walking, rowing, or swimming.
All of these should be done at a conversational pace, meaning you should feel very comfortable talking the entire time. If you are trying to breath too much between words or feel your heart rate climb, slow down. The minimum time at this slow pace to really help recovery is about 30 minutes. If you feel a little bit more beat up, try to go to the 60 minute mark.