Saddle, 4min.
Pigeon, 2min./side

1. Warm-up
Row 500m
40 Weighted step-ups with 25/15lbs dumbbells
(RX+ 35/25lbs)

2. Strength
Back squat speed work  8×2 @60%
No belt, sleeves, or oly’s – Keep very rest short.
Smooth form focus on the way down, fast and furious on the way up. Teach your muscles to be fast and you will teach yourself how to be strong.

RX+ Super Set
Dumbbell Strict Press 5×4, AHAP

3. MetCon
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 Rounds)
10 Bar facing burpees
10 Push jerk 135/95lbs
(RX+ 15 burpees, 165/110lbs PJ)


Saddle, 4min.
Pigeon, 2min./side

1. Warm-up
Row 500m
40 step-ups

2. Skill
Back squat 8×2

3. MetCon
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 Rounds)
10 burpees
10 Push jerk 115/75lbs


1. Side Work
3 Rounds
Row 400m
15 CTB pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds
(RX+ 21 CTB)