1. Warm-up
Row 500m
7 Rope climbs
2. Strength
Deadlift 3×1 @80-90%, 4×1 @90-100+%
So much practice pulling correctly over the past 10 weeks. Keep it up on the singles.
3. Met-Con
8 Rounds
16 Air Squats
8 Toes to Bar
4 Power Cleans, 155/105lbs
8 Rounds
24 Air Squats
12 Toes to Bar
6 Power Cleans, 185/115lbs
1. Warm-up
Row 500m
7 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
5 Toes to Bar
5 Air Squats
2. Skill
Deadlift 5x5
3. MetCon
8 Rounds
16 Air Squats
8 Hanging Knee Raises
4 Power Cleans, 135/95lbs