1. Warm-Up
Run 800m
50 Walking Lunges Steps
10 Good Mornings
20 Burpees
10 Good Mornings
2. Lift
Split Jerk 8×2 @80-85%
3. MetCon
For Time:
750m row
15 Power Cleans, 135/95lbs
30 Toes to Bar
500m Row
10 Power Cleans
20 Toes to Bar
250m Row
5 Power Cleans
10 Toes to Bar
(RX+ 155/105lb PC)
1. Warm-Up
Run 400m
50 Walking Lunges Steps
10 Good Mornings
20 Burpees
10 Good Mornings
2. Lift
Push Jerk 8×2
3. MetCon
For Time:
750m row
15 Power Cleans, 115/75lbs
45 Sit-ups
500m Row
10 Power Cleans
30 Sit-ups
250m Row
5 Power Cleans
15 Sit-ups
1. Side Work
EMOM for 8min.
6 burped box jumps, 24/20"
6 alt. pistols
(RX+ 8 reps of each)