1. Warm-Up
5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Singles, Double Unders, Triple Unders, etc.
3 Rounds
5 Push Ups
5 Gymnastic Kips
5 Air Squats
2. Lift
AMRAP 30 seconds x3
Max rep power clean @75%
Rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs
3. MetCon
5 Rounds
350m Row
21 Wall Ball, 20/14lbs
14 Pull-ups
(RX+ 500m row, 30 WB, 20 PU)
1. Warm-Up
5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Singles, Double Unders, Triple Unders, etc.
3 Rounds
5 Push Ups
5 Gymnastic Kips
5 Air Squats
2. Lift
AMRAP 30 seconds x3
Max rep power clean
Rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs
3. MetCon
5 Rounds
350m Row
21 Wall Ball
14 Assisted Pull-ups
1. Side Work
For Time: