1. Warm-up
Run 400m
30 Strict Pull-ups

2. Strength
Back Squat Speed Work  8×2 @60%
no belt, sleeves, or oly’s – keep very rest short.
smooth form focus on the way down, fast and furious on the way up. teach your muscles to be fast and you will teach yourself how to be strong.

3. MetCon
Every 3 minutes for 4 rounds (12 minute running clock)
Row 250/200m
25 Wallballs, 20/14lbs
rest remainder
(RX+ 30/20lb)


1. Warm-up
Run 400m
30 Assisted Pull-ups

2. Skill
Back Squat 5x5

3. MetCon
Every 3 minutes for 4 rounds (12 minute running clock)
Row 250/200m
25 Wallballs
Rest remainder


1. Side Work
AMRAP 8 minutes
4 Tall Box Jumps, 30-40+”/24-30+”
(RX+ 8 HSPU)