Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.
1. Warm-up
Row 500m
3 Rounds
5 Push Ups
10 PVC Dislocates
20 Air Squats
2. Strength
Find your 1RM Box Jump
3. MetCon
For Time in teams of 4:
500m row
15 Hang Power Clean, 135/95
30 Burpees to a plate
45 Box Jump Overs, 24/20"
(one partner starts and the rest cannot start till the partner in front of them finishes the movement they are on)
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.
1. Warm-up
Row 500m
3 Rounds
5 Assisted Push Ups
10 PVC Dislocates
20 Air Squats
2. Skill
Box Jump
3. MetCon
For Time in teams of 4:
500m row
15 Hang Power Clean, 115/75
30 Burpees to a plate
45 Box Jump Overs
(one partner starts and the rest cannot start till the partner in front of them finishes the movement they are on)