Coach Sean in the 2015 War at the Shore Final WOD. 

Coach Sean in the 2015 War at the Shore Final WOD. 


1. Mobility
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.

2. Warm-up
A. AMRAP 4 minutes
10 Burpees to 6" target

B. 3x20 Sit-ups
(RX+ 3x10 GHD sit-ups)

3. Strength
Pause power position snatch 7×2 @80-90%
Drop, reset, and perform a perfect snatch DL between each rep.

4. MetCon
3 Rounds
100 Double-unders
20 SDLHP, 95/65lbs
(RX+ 115/75lbs)


1. Mobility
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.

2. Warm-up
A. AMRAP 4 minutes
10 Burpees
10 Push-ups

B. 3x20 Sit-ups

3. Skill Work
Pause power position snatch 5x3

4. MetCon
3 Rounds
200 Single-unders
20 SDLHP, 75/55lbs


1. Side Work
6 Rounds
Run 400m
Rest 2 minutes
