Throw Back Thursday
1. Mobility
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
Run 200m
30 Gymnastics Kips
3. Strength
“Rest Pause” Neutral Grip Dumbbell Strict Press
Each dumbbell should be somewhere near 25% of your 1RM (200lb barbell strict press, use 50# dumbbells) Do a max effort set, put the dumbbells down and take 15 deep breaths, do another max set, put the dumbbells down again and take 15 deep breaths, do one more max effort set. Three sets total of as many reps as you can do with 15 deep breaths as rest. If you do 10 or less reps on your first it’s probably too heavy, 20+ too light. Each set will obviously get much much harder.
4. MetCon
10 Rounds
Run 200m
Rest 30 seconds
1. Mobility
Twisted Cross, 2min./side
Standing Straddle, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
Run 200m
30 Gymnastics Kips
3. Skill Work
“Rest Pause” Neutral Grip Dumbbell Strict Press
4. MetCon
7 Rounds
Run 200m
Rest 30 seconds
1. Side Work
Bench Press 5×5 @77.5%
Slow on the way down, explosive on the way up.