1. Mobility
Saddle, 4min.
Pigeon, 2min./side
2. Warm-up
3 Rounds
20 Wallballs
10 Ring dips
3. Strength
Find your 1RM Strict Press
4. MetCon
For Time:
2k Row
90 Burpees to 6" target
Run 1 mile
1. Mobility
Saddle, 4min.
Pigeon, 2min./side
2. Warm-up
3 Rounds
20 Wallballs
10 Assisted Ring dips
3. Strength
Strict Press 5x5
4. MetCon
For Time:
1,500m Row
60 Burpees to 6" target
1,200m Run
1. Side Work
100 Chest to deck push-ups for time