1. Mobility
Pigeon, 2min./side
Puppy Dog, 4min.
2. Warm-up
Row 500m
3 Rounds
10 Gymnastic Kips
10 Air Squats
3. Strength
EMOM 5 minutes
5 Touch and Go Power Snatch
Start in the neighborhood of 70% of your power snatch max and work up if you can.
4. MetCon
AMRAP 10 minutes
30 Power Cleans, 155/105lbs
30 Bar Facing Burpees
120 Double-unders
(RX+ 185/125lb PC)
1. Mobility
Pigeon, 2min./side
Puppy Dog, 4min.
2. Warm-up
Row 500m
3 Rounds
10 Gymnastic Kips
10 Air Squats
3. Strength
Power Snatch 5x3
4. MetCon
AMRAP 10 minutes
30 Power Cleans, 135/95lbs
30 Burpees
240 Single-unders
3 Rounds
30 Thrusters, 75/55lbs
7/5 Muscle-ups
Rest 90 seconds
(RX+ 10 mu's)