Partner WOD
Teams of 2
20 Rounds (10 each, 25 min cap):
10 KB Swings, 53/35lbs
250m Row or 200m Run
Alternating Full Rounds, the Partner that is "resting" Holds a Plank.
Scale the KB Swings as needed
Competitors (during open gym only)
1. Specific Mobility Session
(spend 10-15 minutes moving through areas that are generally tight or bothering you)
2. Warm-up
2 Rounds:
Run 800 or Row 1k or Bike 1 mile (Choose one)
75 Double-unders
3. MetCon
With and 8 minute running clock:
5 Rounds:
5 Thrusters, 115/75lbs
40 Double-unders
Then max rep Air Squats in remaining time
(RX+ 135/95lb thrusters)
With and 8 minute running clock:
5 Rounds:
5 Thrusters, 95/65lbs
80 Single-unders
Then max rep Air Squats in remaining time
4. Strength
Power Snatch 5×3, AHAP
5. Side Work
Choose what you are weakest at
AMRAP 5 minutes:
Muscle-Ups must be sets of 2 or more
AMRAP 5 minutes:
CTB Pull-ups must be sets of 5 or more
AMRAP 5 minutes Strict HSPU must be sets of 2 or more