Half Front Split, 2min./side
Puppy Dog, 4min.
Weakness Warm-up
Choose what you are weakest at
Run 800m or Row 1k
2016 Regionals Events 3&4 (17min. on the clock)
For Time: (6min. time cap)
104 Wallball, 20/14lbs to 10ft target for both
52 Pull-ups
-Event 4 begins at 7:00-
4 RFT (10min. cap)
28 Alternating Pistols
15 Power Cleans, 115/80lbs
For Time: (6min. time cap)
52 Wallball, 20/14lbs
26 Pull-ups
-Event 4 begins at 7:00-
4 RFT (10min. cap)
30 Air Squats
15 Power Cleans, 95/65lbs
For Time: (6min. time cap)
52 Wallball, 14/10lbs
26 Assisted Pull-ups
-Event 4 begins at 7:00-
4 RFT (10min. cap)
30 Air Squats
15 Power Cleans, 75/55lbs
AMRAP 6 minutes:
20 Wallball
10 Ring Rows
-rest 1min.-
AMRAP 10 minutes:
20 Air Squats
10 KB Sumo DLHP
6×3 Power Clean to Split Jerk
Start @70% of Power Clean max and work up
Competition Side Work
6 Rounds For Time:
50m Sprint
Use light sled or weight vest if you have it.
Rest as needed