5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
(singles, double-unders, triple-unders, etc.)
3 Rounds
5 HR Push-ups
5 Gymnastic Kips
5 Air Squats

AMRAP 3 Minutes x4
500/400m Row or 400/300m Run
Max Burpee Box Jump-overs, 24/20″
Rest 2min. between AMRAP's

AMRAP 3 Minutes x4
400/300m Row or 300/200m Run
Max Burpee Box Jump-overs, 20/16″
Rest 2min. between AMRAP's

AMRAP 3 Minutes x4
300/200m Row or 200/100m Run
Max Burpee
Rest 2min. between AMRAP's

Make up a lift you missed earlier in the week
A. Front Squat 3x10 @70%
B. For Time:
Accumulate 50 Reps of T&G Power Snatch @70%
(fewest sets possible w/ nothing 3 reps or less, 10min. time cap)
Spend 20min. working on a weakness
Examples: double-unders, kipping, handstands.

Competitors (Active Rest Day)
A. Specific Mobility Session
(spend 15-20 minutes moving through areas that are generally tight or bothering you)

B. The Flush
(walk, slow jog, row, bike, etc and settle in for at least 40 minutes)

C. 40+ Minute ROMWOD
