Coaches Choice
MetCon 1
In teams of two, one partner works at a time
2min. Thrusters
2min. Sumo Deadlift High Pull
2min. Shoulder to Overhead
2min. Overhead Squats
2min. Front Squats
RX = 95/65lb barbell
SCALED = 75/55lb barbell or less
In teams of two, one partner works at a time
2min. Wallball
2min. KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
2min. HR Push-ups
2min. Med-ball Squat Cleans
2min. Goblet Squats
*Each partner works for a whole minute on each movement while other partner rest. Teammates must start each round with 4 lateral bar burpees
MetCon 2
(start 5min. after metcon 1)
In teams of two, one partner works at a time
3 Rounds For Time
800m Run (together)
80 KB Swings, 53/35lbs
(RX+ 70/53lb KB)
-less weight on KB
In teams of two, one partner works at a time
5 Rounds For Time
400m Run (together)
40 KB Swings
2 Rounds:
20 Banded Good Mornings
15 Pull-ups
1k Bike
Find 1RM Power Snatch
10 Rounds For Time:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Deadlift, 185/135lbs
15 Wallball, 20/14lbs
-ligher med-ball
-less weight on barbell
-DB strict press for HSPU's
Side Work (optional)
60 Minute Run, Bike, Row, or Ski
Score is total miles, AB calories, or Row/Ski meters.
(pick the thing you are weakest at)