Coaches Choice
3 Rounds For Time:
Partner A - 500m Row
Parnter B - 100ft. OH Walking Lunges, 55/35lb DB
(keeps DB overhead for the duration of Partner A’s row)
Partner B - 500m Row
Parnter A - 100ft. OH Walking Lunges, 55/35lb DB
(keeps DB overhead for the duration of Partner B’s row)
400m Run (together)
One full round requires that both partners row 500m, perform 100ft. of lunges, and run 400m. Complete a total of 3 rounds, such that each partner rows 1500m, lunges 300ft., and runs 1200m.
30 Banded Good Mornings
100ft. KB Farmer Carry (light)
100ft. Double KB OH Walk (light)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. Strict Press 2×10
Every 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes:
5 Reps - AHAP
B. Power Snatch 5×5 @80%
(drop and Reset)
Kettlebell “Diane”
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
Deadlift, 70/53lb KB's
Handstand Push-ups
-less weight on KB's
-sub DB push press for HSPU's
Side Work (optional)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. 4 Rounds For Time:
50/40 Calorie Row
1min. Rest
B. 4 Rounds:
Max Stone, D-ball or Sandbag Hold, 150/100lbs
2min. Rest