Coaches Choice
In teams of three, only one teammate works at a time
For Time:
1200m Relay Run
120 Double-unders
90 Power Cleans, 115/75lbs
60 DB Box Step-overs, 55/35lb DB's
1200m Relay Run
120 Double-unders
90 Power Cleans
60 DB Box Step-overs
1200m Relay Run
-less weight with barbell and/or DB's
-sub x2 single-unders for DU's
In teams of three, only one teammate works at a time
For Time:
1200m Relay Run
120 KB Swings
90 Jumping Lunges
60 Box Step-overs w/ DB's
1200m Relay Run
120 KB Swings
90 Jumping Lunges
60 Box Step-overs w/ DB's
1200m Relay Run
Couch Stretch, 3min./side
5 Minutes of Handstand Walk Practice
(10ft lengths as fast as possible)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. Strict Press 2×10
Every 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes:
3 Strict Press - AHAP
B. Power Clean 5×5 @70%
(drop and reset)
40 Minute Row - Steady Pace
(RX+ HR +/- 5 beats per min from 180-age)
Side Work (optional)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. 6 Rounds For Time:
2k Bike
3min. Rest
B. 5 Rounds:
100m Empty Sled Drag Sprint
(rest as needed btw rnds)