Coaches Choice
In teams of three
3 Rounds Each For Time:
350m Row
(rest station)
25 Thrusters, 95/65lbs
(rest station)
15 Pull-ups
(rest station)
In teams of three
3 Rounds Each For Time:
300m Row
(rest station)
20 DB Thrusters
(rest station)
15 Ring Rows
(rest station)
Teammates will attack this in a pipeline fashion. Teammate A will start rowing, and once they are off, they will move to a rest station while Partner B begins rowing. Once Partner B finishes rowing, Partner A may begin Thrusters and Partner C begins rowing. Teams will follow this sequence until all teammates have completed three full rounds.
Couch Stretch, 5min./side
10 Minute Steady Nike
(every 2min. bike hard for 15sec.)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. Strict Press 2×10
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes:
3 Strict Press - AHAP
B. Power Clean 5×5 @80%
(drop and reset)
Dumbbell “Amanda”
9-7-5 Reps For Time:
DB Squat Snatches, 55/35lbs
(9-7-5 per side)
-sub x2 ring dips for mu's
Side Work (optional)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. 10 Rounds For Time:
.5/.4k Assault Bike
2min. Rest
B. 4 Rounds For Time:
50m Shuttle Sprint
50m Sandbag Carry in bear hug, 150/100lbs
(shuttle sprint = 25m out&back)