Coaches Choice
In Teams of two, For Time:
800m Row
800m Run
60 KB Swings, 70/53lbs
60 Wallball, 30/20lbs
40 Push-ups
40 Pull-ups
20 Burpees to 6" target
20 Overhead Squats, 155/105lbs
*Further Scaling
-less weight for KB/med. ball
-band assisted pull-ups
-less weight on barbell
In Teams of two, For Time:
800m Row
800m Run
60 KB Swings
60 Wallball
40 HR Push-ups
40 Ring Rows
20 Burpees
20 Goblet Squats
Couch Stretch, 2min./side
4 Rounds:
100m Row
10 Empty Bar Overhead Squats
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. Strict Press 2×10
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes:
2 Strict Press - AHAP
B. Power Snatch 5×5@65%
"Dumbbell Elizabeth"
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
DB Hang Squat Clean, 35-45/25lbs
Ring Dips
*Further Scaling
-less weight for DB's
-band assisted ring dips
Side Work (optional)
Choose ONE of the following based on perceived weaknesses
A. 7 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
3min. Rest
B. 6 Rounds For Time:
50m Atlas Stone Carry in bear hug - AHAP
1min. Rest