2019 OCF Cycle 2 –Test Week Day 5 -
OPEN GYM 745AM-845AM ONLY. Seminar starts at 9AM!
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Run 400m
25 Box Jumps 20/16″
Max Wallballs
Stretch: Ankles/Calves
Find 1RM Jerk from Blocks or Rack
Focus on footwork and bending that back knee while building to your 1RM. Keep that pattern the same no matter the weight.
“For Time”
20 Power Clean + Split Jerk at 80% of Jerk Max
During the Power Clean and Split Jerks, catch the Clean and then set up for the Jerk. Don’t rush into it from the catch position.
AMRAP 5 Minutes
25 Double Unders
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65lbs
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