Straight Through
Bike or Row 40/30 Calories (steady)
90 Sec. Dead Hang from Bar
3×10 Light Zercher Squat
Back Squat
4×6 @75%
Squat Cleans -
Warm Up DURING back squat.
4×2 @ 60-70% w/ pause at knee
*drop and reset
7×1 @ 80-90%
LITE= Use DBs.
AMRAP 3:00 x 4
75 Double Unders
50′ Front Rack Lunges use DB or KB (50/35)
Max Rep Handstand Push-Ups in remaining time
Rest : 60
Score is the total number of HSPU Reps.
SCALED/LITE= 150 Singles Unders & Push-ups & lighter lunges.
Ski 15/12 Calories x 8
Rest 2:00