1. Warm-Up
Run 200m
20 Empty Bar Split Jerks
20 Empty Bar Front Squats
Don’t rush the split jerks or front squats, practice the skill.
2. Clean and Jerk
Warm up to 85%, if things feel heavy stay around 90% and hit 4 singles.
If things are feeling good, creep up towards 100% of your 1RM.
3. AMRAP 10 Minutes
Run 100m
10 KB Snatches 53/35lbs (RX+ 70/53lbs)
10 Burpees to 6″ Target
The snatches areNOT alternating, but use both arms.
1. Warm-Up
Run 200m
20 Empty Bar Split Jerks
20 Empty Bar Front Squats
Don’t rush the split jerks or front squats, practice the skill.
2. Skill: Clean and Jerk
3. AMRAP 10 Minutes
Run 100m
10 KB Snatches
10 Burpees
The snatches areNOT alternating, but use both arms.
1. Warm-up
400m Run
20 Push-ups
2. Side Work
E2MOM for 20min.
300/250m Row