1. Warm-Up
3 Rounds
12 Box Jumps
8 Gymnastic Kips
4 Pull-Ups

2. Find a 1RM Power Clean

3. 14.4
In 14:00
Row 60 Calories
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Balls 20/14
30 Cleans 135/95
20 Muscle-Ups
If you finish 20 Muscle-Ups, restart on the rower.


1. Warm-Up
3 Rounds
12 Step Ups
8 Gymnastic Kips
4 Ring Rows

2. Skill: Hang Power Clean 5x5

3. In 14:00
Row 60 Calories
75 Hanging Knee Raises
40 Wall Balls
30 DB Cleans
30 CTB Pull-ups/Pull-ups/Ring Rows
If you finish, restart on the rower.