1. Find your 1RM Power Snatch**
**Lift should be caught distinctly above parallel.
2. Every two minutes for twenty minutes (10 rounds):
8 Burpees to target
3 Cleans 225/135lbs (any style)
Row 150m
1. Find your 1RM Power Snatch**
**Lift should be caught distinctly above parallel.
2. In Partners, Every 2:00 for 20:00
6 Cleans, 185/115#
12 Burpees to Target
18 Calories on the Rower
In Partners, alternate movements. For example partner A does the cleans, partner A does burpees, partner A does the rowing, then the roles switch.
1. Skill: Power Snatch
2. In Partners, Every 2:00 for 20:00
6 Cleans
12 Burpees
18 Calories on the Rower
In Partners, alternate movements. For example partner A does the cleans, partner A does burpees, partner A does the rowing, then the roles switch.