1. Warm-Up
1.5 Mile Run
2. High Bar Back Squat 8x2 @85%
3. AMRAP 6:00
5 Touch and Go Power Cleans, 155/105#
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24″
1. Warm-Up
Row 300m
30 Lunges
15 Push Ups
30 Lunges
Row 300m
2. High Bar Back Squat
4×1 @80-90%
4×1 @90%+
3. AMRAP 6:00
5 Touch and Go Power Cleans, 135/95#
5 Box Jump Overs, 24/20″
1. Warm-Up
Row 300m
30 Lunges
15 Push Ups
30 Lunges
Row 300m
2. Skill: High Bar Back Squat
3. AMRAP 6:00
5 Power Cleans
5 Box Jump Overs