1. Warm-Up
3 Mile Assault Air Bike
2. Work up to a heavy push jerk single (Not a max), then use 80% of that weight for 6x2
3. Every :30 until failure
10 Wallballs, 30/20#
10 minute cap (200 wallballs)
1. Warm-Up
Alternating EMOM 8:00
5 Wall Climbs
30 Double Unders
2. Push Jerk
4×1 @80-90%
4×1 @90%+
3. Every :30 for 10:00
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
If you fail to hit 10 Wall Balls during any of the the :30 intervals, you are done.
1. Warm-Up
Alternating EMOM 8:00
10 Push-ups
60 Single Unders
2. Skill: Push Jerk
3. Every :30 for 10:00
10 Wall Ball Shots
If you fail to hit 10 Wall Balls during any of the the :30 intervals, you are done.