1. Warm-Up
2500m Row

1. Squat Snatch 7×2 @80% (Not touch and go, drop and reset each rep)
We’re taking it back down to the floor for this portion of the cycle, but we are still staying at 80% and hammering the fundamentals at a weight that can both make you stronger and clean some things up at the same time.  This week is seven sets of two at exactly 80%.  If you’re not staying there, you aren’t following the program.  Vary rest times but keep them under two minutes for each rep.  

3. 3 Rounds
Run 200m
10 Strict 4″ Deficit HSPU
5 Clean and Jerk 225/135lbs


1. Warm-Up
EMOM 8:00
5 Burpee Box Jumps

2. Snatch
4×1 80-90%
4×1 90%+

3. For Time
Run 400m
30 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
Run 400m


1. Warm-Up
EMOM 8:00
5 Burpee Box Jumps

2. Skill: Snatch

3. For Time
Run 400m
30 DB Hang Squat Cleans
Run 400m