1. Warm-Up
50 Double Unders
15 Burpees
15 Ground to Overhead with a plate
2. Find a 1RM Low Hang Pause Snatch
3. In 10:00:
Run 400m
then complete as many rounds as possible of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
5 Strict Pull-Ups
30 Double Unders
Bonus work
Cash out your day with 40 GOOD push-ups
1. Warm-Up
100 Single Unders
15 Burpees
15 Ground to Overhead with a plate
2. Skill: Low Hang Pause Snatch
3. In 10:00:
Run 200m
then complete as many rounds as possible of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead
5 Strict Pull-Ups in band or 5 Ring Rows
60 Single Unders
1. Warm-Up
Slow 8 Minute AMRAP
15 Assault Bike Calories
4 CTB Pull-ups
15 Assault Bike Calories
8 CTB Pull-ups
15 Assault Bike Calories
12 CTB Pull-ups
15 Assault Bike Calories
16 CTB Pull-ups
And so on
2. Side Work
3 Rounds
Run 1200m
Rest 1:1