1. Warm-Up
Run 800m
30 PVC Dislocates
2. Strict Press 4×10 De-load
Perform these at 50% of 1RM
3. 3 Rounds
Run 600m
50 Double Unders
10 Muscle Ups
Run 600m
50 Double Unders
15 OHS 95/65# (RX+, 135/95#)
1. Warm-Up
Run 400m
30 PVC Dislocates
2. Skill: Strict Press
3. 3 Rounds
Run 300m
100 Single Unders
20 CTB Pull-ups
Run 300m
100 Single Unders
15 OHS
1. Warm-Up
5 Slow rounds
5 Kipping Ring Dips
10 Jump Squats
15 Second parallette L-sit hold
F. Accessory
“Rest Pause” HSPU (Stop if you reach 20 reps)
Do a max effort set, take 15 deep breaths, do another max set, take 15 deep breaths, do one more max effort set. Three sets total of as many reps as you can do with 15 deep breaths as rest. If you get to 20 in your first or second set, stop there. If you get to 20 on both sets, go for broke in your last set.