1. Warm-up
Alternating EMOM for 10:00
5 Gymnastic Kips
20 Double Unders
2. Lift
Push Jerk 4×4 at 75-85% of 1RM
Try to add weight each set if possible.
3. MetCon
2 Rounds for Time
30 Toes to bar
20 Front Squats 115/75 (RX+, 135/95)
10 Handstand Push-Ups
1. Warm-up
Alternating EMOM for 10:00
5 Gymnastic Kips
40 Single Unders
2. Lift
Skill: Push Jerk 4×4
3. MetCon
2 Rounds for Time
30 Toes to bar
20 Front Squats
15 HR Push-Ups
1. Side Work
Row for Max Distance in 3 Minutes
Rest 2 Minutes
Row for Max Distance in 5 Minutes
Rest 3 Minutes
Row for Max Distance in 7 Minutes
Rest 4 Minutes
Row for Max Distance in 10 Minutes