1. Warm-Up
4 Rounds
30 Double Unders
Max Ring Dips in 1 set
If you can perform over 10 ring dips, do not exceed 10.

2. Squat Snatch 4×4
Perform all sixteen reps between 80 and 90%, stay lighter if things aren’t feeling right.

3. For Time
30 Back Squats 165/110
25 Burpees to Plate
15 Shoulder to Overhead 165/110


1. Warm-Up
4 Rounds
60 Single Unders
15 Bench Dips

2. Skill: Hang Power Snatch + OHS 4×4

3. For Time
30 Back Squats
25 Burpees to Plate
15 Shoulder to Overhead


1. Side Work
3 Rounds
21 OHS 115/75lbs
21 Bar facing burpees
Rest 1:1 minutes