1. Mobility
Lizard, 2min./side
Half Front Split, 2min./side
2. Warm-Up
2 Rounds
10 PVC Dislocates
30 Double Unders
3. Strength
Snatch 1×4 @90%+
(Work up to a Snatch that is 85% of your 1RM. If it feels heavy and you feel slow, stick to 90%, if you’re feeling good, go heavier than 90%)
4. MetCon
3 Rounds
16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch, 55/35lbs
Run 400m
(RX+ 70/55lb DB)
(RX++ squat snatch with 70/55lb DB)
1. Mobility
Lizard, 2min./side
Half Front Split, 2min./side
2. Warm-Up
2 Rounds
10 PVC Dislocates
60 Single Unders
3. Strength
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 5x3
4. MetCon
3 Rounds
16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch, 45/25lbs
Run 300m
1. Side Work
AMRAP 15 minutes – Climb the ladder
10 Double-unders
1 Muscle-up
20 Double-unders
2 Muscle-ups
30 Double-unders
3 Muscle-ups
40 Double-unders
4 Muscle-ups
Rest 1 minute
50 Double-unders
5 Muscle-ups
60 Double-unders
6 Muscle-ups
Rest 1 minute
70 Double-unders
7 Muscle-ups
80 Double-unders
8 Muscle-ups
Rest 1 minute
90 Double-unders
9 Muscle-ups
Rest 1 minute
100 Double-unders
10 Muscle-ups
Rest 1 minute
And so on (keep resting after each round if you make it that far)…