THIS IS NOT WHAT WE MEAN BY A "REST DAY". Here's two coaches resting between heats at a the competition this past weekend.
1. Mobility
Samson Stretch, 2min./side
Puppy Dog, 4min.
2. Warm-up
2k Row
3. MetCon
5 Rounds (17min. cap)
400m Row
15 Overhead Squats, 65/45lbs
(RX+ 95/65lbs)
4. Accessory
Accumulate 4 minutes of lunge holds per leg.
Switch leg each time you need to rest. Both legs should be close to 90 degrees between upper and lower leg, knee should be an inch or two off the ground.
1. Mobility
Dragon, 2min./side
Puppy Dog, 4min.
2. Warm-up
2k Row
3. MetCon
5 Rounds (17min. cap)
400m Row
15 Overhead Squats w/ PVC pipe
4. Accessory
Accumulate 4 minutes of lunge holds per leg.
Switch leg each time you need to rest. Both legs should be close to 90 degrees between upper and lower leg, knee should be an inch or two off the ground.