1. Mobility
Banded Overhead Distraction, 2min./side
Seated Forward Fold, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
5 Slow Rounds
Run 200m
10 Overhead Walking Lunges with a plate
3. Strength
Find a 1RM Snatch
Find a 1RM Clean & Jerk
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4. MetCon
AMRAP 12 minutes:
3 Snatches, 135/105lbs
6 Clean & Jerks, 135/105lbs
9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
54 Double-unders
1. Mobility
Banded Overhead Distraction, 2min./side
Seated Forward Fold, 4min.
2. Warm-Up
5 Slow Rounds
Run 200m
10 Walking Lunges
3. Strength
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 5x3
Power Clean + Font Squat 5x3
Push Jerk the 3rd rep of each set
4. MetCon
AMRAP 12 minutes:
3 Snatches, 95/65lbs
6 Clean & Jerks, 95/65lbs
9 Pull-ups
54 Single-unders
1. Side Work
Climb the ladder until you fail within the minute
Minute 1: 2 CTB pull-ups
Minute 2: 20 Double-unders
Minute 3: 4 CTB pull-ups
Minute 4: 20 Double-unders
Minute 5: 6 CTB pull-ups
Minute 6: 20 Double-unders
And so on…
(RX+ multiples of 3 CTB & 30 DU's on odd minutes)