1. Warm-Up
3 Rounds
15 Romanian Deadlifts
8 Bar Facing Burpees
2. Lift
Touch and Go Deadlifts
1×6 at 65%
1×5 at 75%
1×4 at 85%
1×1 at 95%
3. MetCon
AMRAP 8 Minutes
6 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
6 Ring Dips
(RX+ 155/105lbs PC, 3 mu's)
1. Warm-Up
3 Rounds
15 Romanian Deadlifts
8 Burpees
2. Lift
Deadlift 5x5
3. MetCon
AMRAP 8 Minutes
6 Power Cleans
6 Bench Dips
1. Side Work
12 Rounds
10/8 Calories on the Air Assault Bike
Rest 30 Seconds