1. Warm-Up
4 Rounds
10 Calorie Row
10 Push Ups

2. Skill Work
Alternating each round with a partner, complete the following for time:
12 toes to bar
12 toes to bar
11 toes to bar
11 toes to bar
10 toes to bar
10 toes to bar
And so on all the way down to 1. Each partner will end up doing 12 down to 1.
(RX+ unbroken)

2. MetCon
16 Rounds (8 rounds each)
Row 300m
Rest while partner goes


1. Warm-Up
4 Rounds
10 Calorie Row
10 Push Ups

2. Skill Work
Alternating each round with a partner, complete the following for time:
12 knees to elbows
12 knees to elbows
11 knees to elbows
11 knees to elbows
10 knees to elbows
10 knees to elbows
And so on all the way down to 1. Each partner will end up doing 12 down to 1.

2. MetCon
16 Rounds (8 rounds each)
Row 300m
Rest while partner goes


1. Side Work
Burpee box jump-overs 24/20″
Row for Calories
Rest 1 Minute after each round (21’s-rest-15’s-rest-9’s)