1. Warm-Up
Row 750m
25′ Duck Walk
7 Handstand Push Ups
25′ Duck Walk
7 Super Slow PVC Deadlifts
25′ Duck Walk
7 Hand Stand Push Ups
2. Lift
8 Rounds
Every :30
1 Power Clean and 1 Squat Clean at 80% of your Power Clean Max
Last week went well, go 5lbs heavier.
3. MetCon
5 Rounds
10 Deadlift 185/115lbs
10 Goblet Squats 53/35lbs
10 Handstand Push Ups
(RX+ 225/155lbs)
(RX++ pistols & strict HSPU)
1. Warm-Up
Row 750m
25′ Duck Walk
7 Push Ups
25′ Duck Walk
7 Super Slow PVC Deadlifts
25′ Duck Walk
7 Push Ups
2. Lift
8 Rounds
Every :30
1 Power Clean and 1 Squat Clean
3. MetCon
5 Rounds
10 Deadlift 135/95lbs
10 Goblet Squats 44/26lbs
10 Push Ups
1. Side Work
AMRAP 1 Minute x8
5 squat cleans 165/110lbs
5 Shoulder to OH 165/110lbs
Max Assault Bike calories in remaining time
Rest 1 minute