1. Warm-Up
Alternating EMOM for 15:00
First Minute – 4 Burpee Pull Ups
Second Minute – Row 100m
Third Minute – 12 Air Squats
2. MetCon
Climb the Ladder for 7 Minutes
3 Thrusters 95/65
3 Calories on the Rower
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Calories on the Rower
1. Warm-Up
Alternating EMOM for 15:00
First Minute – 4 Burpee, 4 Pull Ups
Second Minute – Row 100m
Third Minute – 12 Air Squats
2. MetCon
Climb the Ladder for 7 Minutes
3 Thrusters 75/55
3 Calories on the Rower
6 Thrusters
6 Calories on the Rower
1. Side Work
AMRAP 12 Minutes
20 Dumbbell snatch 70/45lbs
5 Bar muscle-ups
Rest 30 seconds