1. Warm-Up
Row 1500m
100′ Duck Walk
Accumulate 100′ of Handstand Walking or 2:00 Handstand Holds

2. Lift
3 Back Squat EMOM for 6:00
Keep these around 70% of your 1RM. If it’s your first week go to 70%, If not add 5lb to last week as long you stay fast.

3. MetCon
3 Rounds
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
12 Thrusters 75/55
9 Ring Dips


1. Warm-Up
Row 1500m
100′ Duck Walk
Accumulate 2:00 Plank Hold

2. Lift
3 Back Squat EMOM for 6:00

3. MetCon
3 Rounds
15 Box Jumps
12 Thrusters
9 Assisted Ring Dips