1. Warm-Up
EMOM 12:00
5 Burpee Box Jumps
5 Empty Bar Thrusters
2. Lift
Every Minute on the Minute 10:00
1 Snatch at 80%+
If it feels smooth, go heavier than last week.
3. MetCon
10 Rounds with a Partner
In 60-seconds Perform 10 Overhead Squats at 105/70
Row for Max Distance in time remaining
Partner A performs 10 OHS and a maximum distance row while Partner B rests in minute one, then partners switch. Each partner performs a total of 5 rounds.
1. Warm-Up
EMOM 12:00
5 Burpee Box Jumps
5 Empty Bar Thrusters
2. Lift
Every Minute on the Minute 10:00
1 Snatch
3. MetCon
10 Rounds with a Partner
In 60-seconds Perform 10 Overhead Squats
Row for Max Distance in time remaining
Partner A performs 10 OHS and a maximum distance row while Partner B rests in minute one, then partners switch. Each partner performs a total of 5 rounds.