1. Warm-Up
5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Singles, Doubles, Triples. Good at those? Go backwards.
5 Rounds
5 Gymnastic Kips
10 Leg Swings each leg

2. Lift
Deadlifts 5RM
Try to add 5-10lbs to 5RM DL found in test week.

3. MetCon
KB Snatch 53/35lbs
Ring Dips
Burpee to 6″ Target
(RX+ 70/53lbs KB)


1. Warm-Up
5 Minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Singles, Doubles, Triples. Good at those? Go backwards.
5 Rounds
5 Gymnastic Kips
10 Leg Swings each leg

2. Skill
Deadlifts 5x5

3. MetCon
KB Swings
Assisted Ring Dips


1. Side Work
EOMOM (Every other minute) for 10 Minutes (5 Rounds)
Max set of HSPU
Fix them and continue to add capacity through the gymnastics work.  “Mulligan” allowed if set under 5 reps.