1. Warm-Up
Run 800m
20 Lunges
20 Gymnastic Kips
20 Lunges
20 Gymnastic Kips
2. Lift
AMRAP 30 seconds x3
Max rep power snatch @70%
Rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs
3. MetCon
10 Rounds with a Partner
Only one Partner works for 2:00, then Switch
10 Front Squats 115/75
10 CTB Pull-Ups
Row for maximum calories in time remaining
Score is total calories
(12reps each)
(135/95lb FS)
(max cal. AAB)
1. Warm-Up
Run 400m
20 Lunges
20 Gymnastic Kips
20 Lunges
20 Gymnastic Kips
2. Lift
AMRAP 30 seconds x3
Max rep power snatch
Rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs
3. MetCon
10 Rounds with a Partner
Only one Partner works for 2:00, then Switch
10 Front Squats 95/65
10 Pull-Ups
Row for maximum calories in time remaining
Score is total calories
1. Side Work
8 Rounds
7 Alternating pistols
Rest 30 seconds
(RX+ 10reps)