1. Warm-up
Run 400m
30 Chest to deck push-ups

2. Lift
Build up to a Heavy Snatch Single

3. MetCon
For time
800m run
30 overhead squats, 115/75 lb.
60 Toes to Bar
100 double-unders
30 sumo deadlift high pulls, 115/75 lb.
60 box jump overs, 24/20"

For time
1-mile run
50 overhead squats, 135/95lb
100 GHD sit-ups
150 double-unders
50 sumo deadlift high pulls, 135/95lb
100 box jump overs, 24/18"
(26 Minute cap)


1. Warm-up
Run 400m
30 assisted push-ups

2. Skill

3. MetCon
For time:
400m run
30 overhead squats, 95/65 lb.
60 Hanging Knee Raises
200 Single Unders
30 sumo deadlift high pulls, 95/65 lb.
60 box jump overs


1. Side Work
Max distance HS walk in three minutes